It is our pleasure to announce that the 12th quinquennial conference on DNA repair will take place in Egmond aan Zee, April 19 - 24, 2026

The specific format for this series of meetings is that besides plenary talks of invited speakers there is strong emphasis on poster viewing and discussion as well as ample time for informal interaction.

The organizing committee:

Haico van Attikum, Leiden (chair)

Jessica Downs, London

Jacqueline Jacobs, Amsterdam

Puck Knipscheer, Utrecht/Leiden


Joyce Lebbink, Rotterdam

Martijn Luijsterburg, Leiden

Jurgen Marteijn, Rotterdam

Sylvie Noordermeer, Leiden


Titia Sixma, Amsterdam

Marcel Tijsterman, Leiden

Wim Vermeulen, Rotterdam

Marcel van Vugt, Groningen

On the initiative of the laboratories in Leiden, Rotterdam and Sussex a series of quinquennial meetings on DNA repair have been organized. These meetings have received wide international acclaim for the quality of the science and the friendly and collaborative atmosphere also because of the musical intermezzo's after the scientific program organized and performed by participants. 

We are now organizing the next conference on "Responses to DNA damage" scheduled for April 19-24, 2026 in conference venue Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee. The small friendly village of Egmond aan Zee is located about 50 km north-west of Amsterdam within easy reach of Amsterdam Airport (by public transport) and the venue is just 100 metres from the beach.

The format of the meeting will be similar to that of the previous DNA Repair meetings with plenary talks in the mornings and after lunch, followed by three parallel poster discussion sessions in the late afternoon and poster viewings in the evening. Specific for these DNA repair meetings is the emphasis on the poster viewing and poster discussion sessions in the program, which has been highly appreciated by the participants over the years. As well as invited European and international speakers, younger researchers are encouraged to present posters, and selected poster presenters will be invited to give oral presentations.

Spots are left open in the program for speakers who will be selected on basis of their poster abstract. The total number of participants is limited to 325. If the meeting is oversubscribed, applicants will be selected on a first come - first served basis. 

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